Careers website
Careers website for young people and their influencers. IMI Autocity showcases 266 different occupations for young people with videos, 360 VR films and information. There is also a section for teachers and parents to support young people with options and work experience.
IMI Autocity - Careers website for young people and their influencers to inspire and showcase automotive as a positive career choice. IMI Autocity showcases 266 different occupations for young people with videos, 360 VR films and information with a section for teachers and parents to support young people with their options after school and work experience.
Employer, Organiser and Young Person toolkits - Work Experience Toolkits for the Employer, Organiser and Young Person to create a meaningful, valuable and impactful experience of work.
Schools, Teachers, Careers Leaders, and Careers Advisors support - Inspiring and supporting your learners to make well informed decisions about their future and assisting you to embed Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance into your school FREE of charge.
Work Experience Guides
Parents, Carers and Guardians support - Parents, Carers and Guardians support materials to provide insight into the next steps into the sector.
IMI Diversity Task force – toolkits and resources to create inclusive workplaces.
The IMI Diversity Task Force was founded in the Spring of 2021 and set out to discover how the sector can be more attractive for all individuals to work in, and specifically for those groups currently underrepresented in the workforce. We wanted to bring the issue of diversity and inclusion to the top of the agenda for automotive businesses and propose actions that will support real change. The automotive sector is facing a war on talent and automotive skills, and the best way to fill this gap is to fish in a wider, more diverse pool of individuals; more diverse workforces have proven to be more fulfilled, profitable, and effective.
Physical and non-visible disabilities IMI Diversity Task force resources
Toolkits and resources for creating inclusive workplaces, inclusive hiring practices, support guides and advice
Allyship in the workplace toolkit
Diversity Taskforce Report